World Wide Link Electromechanical & Contracting LLC

World Wide Link Electromechanical & Contracting LLC

× Introduction Mission Statement Safety Principles Expertise Accreditation Scope of Responsibilities Project Financing Project Execution Management Team
Our Safety Principles:

World Wide Link Electromechanical & Contracting L.L.C. is committed to performing all work activities in a safe and accident-free manner. To achieve these goals, company has undertaken a proactive strategy to establish systems, methods and controls to safely execute construction work ranging from small projects to major power plants, Because World Wide Link Electromechanical & Contracting L.L.C. routinely performs projects in areas with a wide variety of hazards, each project is studied and specific controls are in place to protect workers in potentially hazardous environments. Our goal is for World Wide Link Electromechanical & Contracting L.L.C. projects, regardless of size, to be accident free.

The guiding principles to achieve this vision are:

  • Safety starts with management taking responsibility and making a commitment to safety.
  • We value the importance of training and communication.
  • We seek to create effective programs and recognize our unique hazards and environment.
  • Management has a responsibility to monitor and update safety initiatives.
  • A safe work record is "good business" for the future of our firm.
  • Safe work practices are a requirement.